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Deep Eddy - Sweet Tea Vodka (1.75L)

Current price:  $24.99
* This item is for in store pickup only
Producer Deep Eddy
Country United States
Region Texas
Style Vodka
Sku 856065002028
Size 1.75L

Deep Eddy Description

Deep Eddy is the oldest swimming hole in Texas. Austin locals have enjoyed its spring – fed waters for many years. In the spirit of Deep Eddy, we bring you another Austin landmark the best tasting, highest quality Sweet Tea Flavored Vodka in the country.
We were mixing sweet tea and vodka for years. Clayton is the tea guru and chad is the vodka expert. Over a few cocktails the idea for Deep Eddy was born. And now we are proud to make our inspired blend available to everyone. Take a dip, the water’s perfect.